Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A classic ending

"Once upon a time.."
It guided me towards you,
Something about it made me shiver,
So old school,and yet you made it feel so new;
A song about a nameless town,the song about a nameless river,
Ladybugs and fireflies playing down my back,
Harp of gold,in your breath-all I can remember.
You came without a warning,such a wonderful attack,
Note by note,the spell,the touch and the mesmerizing smell of amber...

"She got lost on the way..."
Dazzled me a moment,two,words got trapped under your fingers,
Like peanut butter or maybe glue,
I could no longer pull the trigger.
Fire starters,wheel creators,
Fairy smoke and scented candles,
Lumps of sugar,dust of future,careless mermaids,broken handles
-All in one and one for all.-
Oh,you made it feel like magic,ringed the bell twice and it snapped,
Broke the tune,missmatched the Joker,
Queen of hearts now lies there trapped.

"1000 years of sleep for the entire kingdome"
-Where's the land of endless summer?you described it oh,so well...
Stole my map,broke the compass,then I guess this means fare well.
Goodbye to the delicious apples,with cores of poison and of lust,
Goodbye to evil dwarfs and wolves,in them I no longer trust;
I'll clap my hands and kick my heels,
It's time to sleep,no time to wait,
The perfect storm is yet to come,-the clock's hand is just the hand of fate,
And it's ticking,ticking ticking,fast and slow,fast and slow,
Guiding you through the last,the last steps of the tango..
"The end..."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No old dilema for me anymore

nu incredinta libertatea ta latului din jurul degetului,nu incredinta fierbinteala ce te-a cuprins spre a fi tratata de Doktor Schnabel din Roma.mai bine dormi,lipeste-ti pleoapele la loc,acolo esti in siguranta,si chiar si cosmarul ce te urmareste,e doar un purice inofensiv,strivit de greutatea somnului,in niciun caz licuriciul carnivor ce'ti pare.

don't give yourself away for the certainty of now,but rather sell your soul for the uncertain,yet remarkable,remember-worthy future.don't put your hopes onto a circle of metal,it's heavy,it won't float for it's real meaning is a hole,and not it's shape.infinity of emptiness,in the golden arms of a wrinkled Hera,still waiting for Zeus to stop fooling around.I no longer trust sugar coated words,nor gestures,a wise man never accepts something as a fact without until I mesure my pulse,there's no such thing as trust.For noone trusts my judgements,and noone choses to check them,noone believes me.Not even myself

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I'm just standing in front of a blank page,waiting for it to fill itself with thoughts on its own,just like a judge waiting for the jurry's decision that sais he can now think on his own.damn incoherence!...It's like I'm waiting for those responsible of the unsolvable crime to put the hang around their neck by their own will,waiting for the medicine to just jump down my throat,driven by a supernatural force within its chalky center...But no reaction can exist without action,at least that's the small amount of physics knowledge I posess,and yet I find myself incapable of moving the square wheels that bring reason to my thoughts in the direction I want them to move,in fact,I can't seem to make them move at all.I'm stuck just like toffee to the decayed teeth I consider to be reality.I despise the simple dust,lacking fears and hopes,drowning in blissful contemptness,as well as I damn the all knowing gods that feed on the mice's,small,yet impossible dreams,for they crush under their marble feet the skulls of their unknown victims,martirs without names...
The only advantage I can find deeply hidden within hatred is the power it gives your imagination over the object of your hatred,the relieving power of imaginary destruction.Therefor I would most likely enjoy hating you,yet I find this hard to accomplish,for you are no object,but the mere result of my imagination as well.Or just another piece of toffee being chewed by reality